Editorial Coaching
Book Promotion Is Storytelling
As an editor of fiction and nonfiction, here’s a question for you: how much time as a writer do you spend each week building your audience? If your answer is, “Yeah…not much so far,” count yourself among the many hard-working writers I speak to who haven’t set themselves or their new ISBNs up for success. […]
45 Invisible Pests That Stunt Good Writing
Before you submit your final draft to your magazine or book editor, here’s a surprising little exercise that can eliminate the wordiness and repetitiveness you can’t see. This simple self-check can also save you time and money if you’re under deadline or paying your own editorial bills. Search your document for the words it and […]
You Believing in You: Mute Your Self-Critic, Amp Your Writing Productivity
One of the key factors that keeps writers going when they hit a wall is an unapologetic belief in themselves. Their belief in the goal helps them renew their energy and reconnect to the project they want to finish. What do you do when you know you need to recharge and reset? How do you protect […]