The Devil Is in the Distractions

Are you sick of hearing yourself say you’re going to write that book someday? Someday is not a square on your calendar. Today is. Yesterday was. Let’s assume your days are full. How do you plan to get the book done? This is not a test. Or, maybe it is. You must choose a time […]

Nailing the Perfect Sentence

The best part of the sentence I love you is that it has a subject, verb and direct object. Clear. Simple. Eternal. As an editor, I am hard pressed to find fault with these three words as they are strung together. I love you is a potent one liner, but is it a perfect sentence? […]

More Steps to Conquer Your Fear of Writing

One of the most surprising things thought leaders discover about writing is how much time it takes to conceptualize and craft a solid piece. Developing robust topics and prolific content only sounds simple. In reality, good writing takes planning and practice. Time to set goals and deadlines. InputBrainstorming is a fun and easy way to […]

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